
On Windermere Sound

A little over a month ago, I moved to a new house.

When I mentioned that I was moving to people in the community (such as doctors, dentists, and other professionals in my area), the topic of "Why" would come up.  The answer was "Problems with the HOA".

This person would inevitably sigh knowingly and heavily, and launch into a story about the HOA notice that they received saying that their tree bark was exactly the wrong shade of grey-brown, but that tree had been planted at least 7 years ago.

That is not the kind of "HOA Troubles" that I was having.

I can honestly say that it's refreshing where "Crazy HOA Stories" involve notices that the Internet Cable is hung in an unsightly way, rather than "The HOA Board are having parties that exceed 80 decibles as measured inside my closed house, or setting off illegal fireworks", or "The HOA President is setting off a siren while a hurricane is approaching, or he's physically threatening residents".  It's refreshing.  I haven't had to call the Orange County Sheriff's in over a month.

If you are looking to move to the Orlando area, I would caution you to be aware of the HOA that you are moving into.  The HOA's behavior and demeanor can make life either wonderful or awful.  When looking at a home, ask who the board members are.

If the board includes a man who's first name sounds like he could be Dr. Frankenstein's assistant and who's last name sounds a bit like "Thor's Son", move on.

If the board includes a woman who's first name sounds like "Sindy", and who's last name might include either a Japanese surname and/or sound like Murtaugh's partner, move on.

Windermere Sound is a nice neighborhood with the exception of a few people, but those people happen to be on the never-voted-upon HOA Board.  Life is too short, and these people and those houses are not worth it.  Some of their friends are quite morally compromised, too.  They're obviously not complete fuck-ups, because they have great kids with better morals than their parents, but at this point being involved with the Windermere Sound HOA in Windermere, FL is a condemnation.

I hope that this changes, and the board should become filled with responsible adults.  I'd love to be able to take this post down with a massive "EDIT" at the beginning.  But that will require that the existing HOA to follow it's own rules, provide proper notice, and run a legitimate Board vote.  Unfortunately, it is not in their own best interests to do so.

Central Florida is nice.  I like it here.  I used to love it, and would tell everyone I met how great my neighborhood was.   This was until the people who became the HOA turned toxic.

I'm happy with my new house.  The neighbors are quiet, respectful adults.  Which is to say "they act like Adults".  Their children are well-behaved.  We don't have any fear about letting our kids outside to play, for fear of an unbalanced person harming them.  I haven't called the Sheriff's department in over a month.

Things are good in Windermere, FL.  Just mind where in Windermere you are.

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